Intermediate Oil Painting
with Nataliya Zozulya (Tuesdays)
Spring Term Programme 2025
Upcoming Course Dates
4, 11 February
(Half Term 18 February)
25 February
4, 11, 18, 25 March
1 April
4 February Painting in layers: two/three sessions on still life using Flemish method of oil painting
Toned in burned siena good quality canvas, 35x45cm
Soft medium and small brushes (synthetic) and hog brushes. Good quality media for painting.
It is advisable to pay a visit to the National Gallery to see the old masters.
11 February Painting in layers: second session on still life using Flemish method of oil painting
Continue working in layers, defining smaller details.
Soft medium and small brush (synthetic) and hog brushes.
25 February Possibly third session on still life using Flemish method of oil painting
Alternatively – painting flowers alla prima.
25x30 cm canvas panel or canvas
4 March Colour study
Painting everything in cadmium red
Students have to bring 1-2 objects in red colour to assemble them for the study.
Additionally using white, a bit of brown and other different reds.
11 March Painting glass and metal in a bright electric light
How to see tone on a transparent object. Reflections and highlights.
Looking into traditions of the Renaissance painters. Learning how and when to create soft and sharp edges.
30x40 cm or bigger canvas panel or canvas
18 March Second session of painting glass
25 March Painting interior or self portrait in the studio
Inspiration – Johannes Vermeer, Eduard Vuillard for interior.
30X40cm canvas panel or canvas
1 April Students’ own projects
Painting landscape on the grounds of Chiswick house or near the Barnes bridge or from the reference. Have a two 30x40 or 25x30 well primed canvases or canvas boards.
Sketch book, pencils, paint box or light easel, light foldable stool if needed and the rest of art materials. Additionally bring a rubber band to keep canvases together.
The tutor may change the program due to weather conditions or similar circumstances.